Topeka, KS to St. Joseph, MO
Weather: Temperature was pleasant; wind was howling
Mileage: 89 miles
Dear All,
We said goodbye to Kansas today. She certainly was a state of many colors. From the flat western portion with a lot of cows to the rolling hillsides and green on the eastern side. In retrospect, we guess that KS has its redeeming values it's just that on long days with the hot sun beating down on you it's sometimes hard to find those values.
We started the day typically with our leg over the top tube at about 7:00; a little later than usual because it was thought that today's ride was a bit shorter. After about 6 miles we took a left heading northeast and knew the day was going to be tough. The typical KS wind was right, smack dab in our face and at 7:00 in the morning it was already blowing a good ten knots. We were riding with about 15 other riders when we took the turn and there was a collective groan.
The group stayed together until John had a flat

The terrain was different than yesterday. The climbs were much longer and with the wind ever increasing, much harder. At one point, the wind blew Amy off the paved shoulder onto the gravel. Only Amy's good bike handling skills prevented her from going down. The scenery was lovely with corn growing as far as you could see and as”high as an elephant's eye”. This part of Kansas really is quite lovely.

Amy rode with a group of riders three miles ahead of John who rode with Skip, an attorney from Las Vegas. The scenery was quite pretty as this point but the hills and the wind which must have been blowing close the 25 mph was making this day seem much longer than yesterday of over 108 miles. Amy missed the turn for the SAG stop and had to retrace her steps. This was not the day to add miles but part of the allure of bicycle riding is getting lost (we do it regularly).

On we went and at one point after seeing rolls of hay for days and days, Amy decided it was time to climb one.

Finally, we rolled into the outskirts of St. Joseph, MO. We really did think we were close to ending the day but we missed a turn, climbed 3 more hills and came to a stop at a street that wasn't on our cue sheet. Again, lost. While trying to figure out where we were, a very pleasant woman, who had been working in her garden, came over to help. After her explanation, we were still perplexed so she climbed in her car and led us back to where we had missed the turn. This really is the “show me” state. We don't know her name but we thank her.

Tomorrow, a rest day. We both feel we need it.
We will try to think of something for the blog tomorrow.
Thanks as always for your continuing prayers and good vibes.
Amy and John
You crazy hippies! Now you are beginning to understand why Tom and I had so much fun on our little adventures!
I'm interested to learn what you see when you hit the "big muddy"..The floods have beenin the news every day for the last two weeks..Hope it doesn't detour you. We all love your blog and the pics.. Thanks! Incidentally the Ride for Roswell was this weekend..started off in rain and lightening!! Enjoy the rest stop!!
the last post was mine..AAR..haven't figured out how to use the URL..sorry
Amy & John, thanks for sharing your wonderful adventures. You are both awesome people.
Heck of a way to beat the high gas prices.
Jim & Sharon
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