Battle Mountain, NV to Elko, NV
Mileage: 75.1
Temperature: 50 degrees to 84 degrees
Dear All

We started the day in a double paceline with about 10 riders. John took a long pull at the front for about 10 miles at a very pleasant pace of about 16.5 mph. Amy hung in there about half way down the line chatting with the guys.
We arrived at the 12 mile climb up Emigrant Pass. It was long, but the views were again beyond belief. Amy is feeling stronger every day and she made it up the Pass with a gear or two to spare. She has been having some knee problems but today that seems to have improved and she was pretty much all smiles on the climb.
After the climb we had the pleasure of an incredible down hill that went for mile after mile after mile. We simply cruised along at about 28 mph side by side with the biggest grins on our faces that you can imagine. All around us were snow covered mountains and desert as far as the eye could see.
At one point John just couldn't resist going for broke. His computer shows his top speed at which point his front wheel seemed to wobble (or at least he thought it did) and he decided that a slight braking would be appropriate. Amy hit 35.6. What a hoot!!!
At about the 50 mile mark we stopped at a Burger King to refuel. Please know that we each had a veggie burger, but we both were awfully tempted by the double cheese burger. Since we had another 25 miles to go we figured the veggie burger might be a tad more suitable.About five miles later, I-80 went under a mountain by tunnel. Not something designed for bicycles. So we took a 5 mile detour on a road that simply goes nowhere. It goes around the mountain and ends with huge boulders right at the I-80. This go nowhere road may well have been the prettiest road we have ever seen. Not one car.
On our right was the Humboldt River and on our left were the most beautiful cliffs hundreds of feet straight up. John wanted to ride it, turn around ride it again, turn around ride it again, turn around ride it again...... All we could say to each other was how much we wished all of you could be here with us to see that sight. It literally took our breath away. The pictures that are included here do not do it justice.
It's simply a road from Heaven.
We then rode on I-80 with beautiful views of the Ruby Mountains and their snow covered peaks. We rode alone the last 20 miles or so with the wind at our back doing around 23 mph. At one point during that ride Amy simple started singing America the Beautiful. It fit.
Tomorrow is a century ride, 107 miles. Please, please say a prayer for winds from the West.
As always send good vibes.
Amy and John
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