Latham, NY to Brattleboro, VT
Mileage: 80.5
Weather: Drizzle and overcast but no real rain
Dear All,
Well, we started the day knowing that we had today plus two more riding days and our adventure would be over. We also started with a bit of trepidation given the amount of climbing we would have in VT today.

Speaking of breakfast, we don't think we have mentioned what most of the riders eat in the morning. It's funny. Some riders are religious as to their morning diet. The really serious ones will generally have oatmeal with a little sugar. Apparently oatmeal has a high carb count and it releases the carbs slowly over an extended period of time. The less serious riders will have cereal and perhaps biscuits. Those who figure “what the heck, I'll eat whatever and if need be I'll just suffer” will eat eggs and bacon but will almost always go for French toast or pancakes for the carbs. On top of all this a load of coffee is always on the menu.
The route for the first 25 miles had some climbs but not what we knew we would see later in the day. They tested us but didn't make us ask “when does this hill end”. We arrived at the first SAG pretty much no worse for wear and for the first time in 50 days someone had put our dough nuts. They were gone in no time.

We rolled into Bennington which is a really cute little city. Along the main drag they have mannequins which appear to be made of wood.

Right after leaving Bennington, we came to the real tester climb of the day. We have no idea what the name of the mountain is (or if it has a name), but the climb went on for about 8 miles and the grade was pretty stiff. All the gears we had paid for when buying the bikes many years ago were used and at times we were looking for additional gears. One pedal stroke after the next. It seemed to go on forever.

Finally we reached the top of the first climb and had a welcome downhill for a couple of miles into the second SAG at about the 55 mile mark. We decided on a hot dog at a little stand. Turns out it wasn't a Ted's but rather a steamed dog which left something to be desired. Ah well, it was fuel.
We left the SAG knowing that we had one more climb to the top of Hogback Mountain. This climb wasn't as long but just about as steep.

Tomorrow we are told the climbs will be tougher than today. Yikes!! We'll need good vibes from all of you.
Tomorrow will be a different kind of day. We'll ride knowing that at the end of the day there will be only one day left. It's a strange feeling. There is pride in knowing that we're close to our goal and that we will soon be home. But, we will be saying good-bye to some new and wonderful friends and we'll miss them and the riding (despite the fact that some of the days were hard). We'll let you know how we feel tomorrow night with only one day left.
Say a prayer to the weather gods for the next two days. Your comments are always welcome.
Take careand send the good vibes.
Amy and John
1 comment:
In all great dramas that deal with the "mighty quest" or "saving the empire" or "gaining the golden fleece..." etc., the last test on the hero/heroine is always the hardest. We will be with you on your last great climb tomorrow and know that you will grit your teeth and prevail.
In a few days there will be much celebration for our returning heroes! We are most proud. In no small way we all ride with you. We will miss reading about your adventures but we will be happy that you are back safe and sound.
Like Aunt Mil's trip on donkeys to the bottom of Grand Canyon we look forward to hearing your stories for the rest of our lives.
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