Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July 8, Day 38

July 8, Day 38
Rest Day, Indianapolis, IN
Dear All,

This will be a short report.

We spent the day washing bikes and clothes and then taking a walk around the center of downtown near Monument Circle. It really is a very nice area with plenty of shopping and many, many cute little places to eat.

For a good portion of the time downtown we were with a really great guy. “Sarge” from Trinidad.

A nap was fit in during the day as well.

Tonight we'll look for a nice spot for an early dinner and then prepare for tomorrow when we pedal to Richmond.

Take care all and thanks for the good vibes.

John and Amy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry that I am a day late but - "happy BIRTHday Amy!!! Sounds like it was a FUN one!

Colleen Z.